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Achilles Tendonitis
The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the human body and can withstand forces of 1,000 pounds or more. It also is the most frequently ruptured tendon, usually as a result of a sports injury. Both professional and weekend athletes may suffer from Achilles tendonitis, a common overuse injury and inflammation of the tendon.

A bunion is a bony protuberance that appears on the external surface of the big toe when it angles toward the adjacent toe. It is an extra bone and a fluid-filled sac that grows at the base of the big toe.

A hammertoe is a deformity of a lesser toe (second through fifth toes), where the toe gets bent upward at the toe’s middle joint, resembling a hammer.

With a diabetic foot, a wound as small as a blister from wearing a shoe that's too tight can cause a lot of damage. Diabetes decreases blood flow, so injuries are slow to heal.

Heel Spur
Plantar fasciitis (or heel pain) is commonly traced to an inflammation on the bottom of the foot. Our practice can evaluate arch pain, and may prescribe customized shoe inserts called orthoses to help alleviate the pain

A neuroma is an enlarged, benign growth of nerves, most commonly between the third and fourth toes. Neuromas are caused by tissue rubbing against and irritating the nerves. Pressure from poorly fitting shoes or an abnormal bone structure can also lead to this condition.
Osteochondritis are lesions that usually cause pain and stiffness of the ankle joint and affect all age groups. Osteochondritis is caused by a twisting-type injury to the ankle. Symptoms include swelling and ankle pain.
Mini C-arm

Dual 16" Hi-Resolution Monitors
6"/4" Image Intensifier (I.I.)
Clinical or Hospital Platforms
64 or 200 Image Storage
LIH (Last Image Hold)
MARS-Motion Artifact Reduction System
Real-time Averaging
Automatic Digital Brightness and Contrast Control
Edge Enhancement
Thermal Printer
CO2 Laser

The Coherent UltraPulse 5000c laser systems are often used to treat photo damage, for skin resurfacing, hair restoration and other endoscopic or incisional methods of medical procedures. The 5000c has a pattern generated which is computerized and contributes speed and flexibility to the cosmetic lasers. Another benefit to this laser system is that it increases your body's collagen so that skin cells can grow and rejuvenate when old or damaged tissue is taken away.
Applications in ENT, including removing tumors and polyps in the nasal cavities, the mouth and vocal cords. Surgical removal of malignant tumors of the vocal cords can now be performed via the mouth by using the laser attached to a microscope.
Applications in ENT, including removing tumors and polyps in the nasal cavities, the mouth and vocal cords. Surgical removal of malignant tumors of the vocal cords can now be performed via the mouth by using the laser attached to a microscope.
What's New in Podiatry?

Heal Faster with the Latest Diabetic Foot Care Techniques
A chronic foot ulcer (open wound that doesn’t heal) is a serious and all-too-common problem for patients with diabetes. Standard care is often not enough to close the wound and get you back on your feet....Read more
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