
Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

What is subconjunctival hemorrhage?

The conjunctiva is a tissue that covers the white part of the eye, and consists of blood vessels and nerves. Subconjunctival hemorrhage is bleeding under the conjunctiva caused by the rupture of these blood vessels. It appears as a red patch on the white of the eye. Subconjunctival hemorrhage does not usually affect your vision or cause pain or discharge from the eye, but you may experience itching of the eye.

What causes subconjunctival hemorrhage?

Subconjunctival hemorrhage has no specific cause. It can occur suddenly from sneezing, coughing, rubbing of the eyes, vomiting and trauma.

What are the risk factors for subconjunctival hemorrhage?

Risk factors may include diabetes, hypertension, blood clotting disorders and blood thinning medications.

How is subconjunctival hemorrhage diagnosed?

When you present with subconjunctival hemorrhage, your doctor may perform an eye examination and run blood tests to rule out serious bleeding disorders.


What are the treatment options for subconjunctival hemorrhage?

The condition usually does not require treatment as the blood is absorbed back into the eyes in about a week or two. However, you may be prescribed eye drops to relieve irritation or itching in your eyes.